
Fetching Data

# API Setup #################################################################

# Import the API
import coinmetrics

# Initialize a reference object, in this case `cm` for the Community API
cm = coinmetrics.Community()

# Usage Examples ############################################################

# List the assets Coin Metrics has data for.
supported_assets = cm.get_supported_assets()
print("supported assets:\n", supported_assets)

# List all available metrics for BTC.
asset = "btc"
available_data_types = cm.get_available_data_types_for_asset(asset)
print("available data types:\n", available_data_types)

# Fetch the `PriceUSD` and `ROI30d` data for BTC from 2019-01-01 to 2019-01-08.
asset = "btc"
metric = "PriceUSD,ROI30d"
begin_timestamp = "2019-01-01"  # The `datetime` type is also accepted
end_timestamp = "2019-01-08"  # The `datetime` type is also accepted
asset_data = cm.get_asset_data_for_time_range(asset, metric, begin_timestamp, end_timestamp)
print("data given timerange:\n", asset_data)

Transforming Data

# Convert the data object we recieved to a Pandas DataFrame for further processing.
# We are reusing the `asset_data` from the previous step.
pandas_data_frame = coinmetrics.cm_to_pandas(asset_data)
print("pandas data frame:\n", pandas_data_frame)

# Save the Pandas DataFrame OR raw Coimetrics object into a CSV.
# We are resuing the `pandas_data_frame` from the previous step, but the `asset_data`
# from the step before that is also a valid input.
path_or_filename = "output.csv"
coinmetrics.csv(pandas_data_frame, path_or_filename)
print("CSV written:", path_or_filename)

From here, the sky is the limit. Apply your logic and profit.